Personal & Professional Coaching

Jane_Website_Contact2Whether coaching individuals, couples, professionals or organizational leaders, I see coaching as a collaborative relationship that focuses on growth. Generally people seek out a coach when they want support in making changes in their lives or help in navigating a transition. As a coach I see myself as supporting you to be a change agent in your own life as you:

  • reflect on your life, your story, and your current context;
  • creatively explore what you want and where you want to go next;
  • integrate head and heart, body and spirit, into your decision making;
  • create and commit to a practical action plan for getting there;
  • reflect on your beliefs and habits, considering what may be getting in your way and how to shift that to attain your desired outcome;
  • continue to set your own directions as you learn and grow.

Coaching reminds me of the many years I worked as a midwife where my focus was first of all on deep listening, and on honoring the autonomy and choices of each pregnant woman and new mother, respecting that her pregnancy and birth were healthy, normal processes. Yes, I had to have clinical knowledge and skill, and good powers of observation to know when to act to keep things unfolding safely. Yet, the psychological, social and emotional transition a woman and her family go through with the birth of each child is huge. My midwifery practice, much like my coaching practice, was about holding space – a space to honor that transition, to explore options together, to listen and respond in ways that were as much about the individual woman or couple as about my textbook knowledge or training. This is my approach to coaching, without the 3 am calls, snowy roads and annual neonatal resuscitation updates.

If you work with me as your coach, I will meet you where you are at, listen openly and compassionately, and ask you questions to help you reflect on your strengths, talents and skills, as well as your challenges. I will hold you as able and resourceful. I will offer you honest, direct feedback and, in dialogue with you, I may well challenge you to step more fully into your potential. And I will share my own learning path with you, foibles and all, where it may be relevant. I will work together with you to support you in finding the solutions you are seeking, whether they are personal or professional, and do it with warmth and humor.

I use a range of approaches and resources that can take you out of the familiar realm of just thinking about a problem or issue and into a more creative and embodied space – approaches you can use on your journey to support both your personal and professional growth. These include:

  • Breathing and body awareness
  • Grounding and boundary awareness work
  • The Haven’s Communication Model and other communication tools
  • Mindfulness practice
  • Reflective drawing and writing practices
  • Exercises from Virgina Satir’s approach to family systems
  • Learnings from developmental psychology and neuroscience
  • Perspectives from resilience thinking and practice

If you are interested in coaching, you can start with a free 30 minute session in which you can ask questions and assess whether this approach is a fit for you.  Individual sessions are $50 an hour or a series of three sessions for $125, either in-person or by Zoom.